We are grateful for every size gift.
Not sure how much to give? Here are some ideas:
$50 pays for a Welcome Box when a student enrolls in Elevate Academy. The box contains their curriculum and workbooks, as well as special gifts. (For some survivors, this is the first time they have been given a gift with nothing expected in return.) $120 covers 2 coaching sessions for a student, $450 covers 3 months student tuition, $1800 covers student tuition for a year.
RBI is committed to financial transparency. We follow ECFA guidelines to ensure our board, advisory board and all leadership have communicated with truthfulness, meeting all state and federal requirements. Our team values our financial partners and operates in the best interest of our givers while still ensuring we’re ethical and compassionate with the people we serve. We also have made a pledge to ethical storytelling to ensure we don't sensationalize or re-exploit victims. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@rebeccabender.org and we will be happy to provide any financial information you’re requesting. You can also find our financial information on the IRS website.